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April 26, 2023 6 min read

Among the many excellent pieces of fitness equipment, the running exercise machine has become some of the most popular workout machines on the market, and with a good reason. First, exercising on a treadmill has many health benefits. More importantly, exercising on a running exercise machine regularly can improve your cardiovascular endurance. Developing your endurance is very important because it can enhance your health while allowing you to do everyday tasks without getting tired too quickly. You can do many exercises on a running exercise machine to build your endurance. Keep reading if you want to learn more about how to use a running exercise machine for endurance training.

Exercising on a Treadmill Has Many Health Benefits

What is endurance training?
In the fitness world, endurance is your ability to exercise for longer durations without giving way. Obtaining this means working out at varying intervals instead of doing steady-pace exercises. But why do endurance training? Runners can benefit from it as it enhances their speed and allow them to beat their time. Other athletes, like bodybuilders, may also need endurance training to adjust their body metrics, such as fat percentages. The objective of endurance training is to allow your body to perform well for longer periods. It gives you more energy to perform daily tasks, too. And one of the best ways to improve your endurance is to train with a motorized treadmill. This training plan will help develop your aerobic and anaerobic endurance over time.

How to use a running exercise machine for endurance training?
Let’s get through some of the best running exercise machine exercises you can do to develop your endurance and overall running performance.

1. High-intensity interval training
HIIT is one type of interval training that incorporates several rounds of alternating between high-intensity movements followed by short periods of low-intensity activity. The sample workout is as follows.

  • Walk for 5 minutes to warm up.
  • Run at your max speed for thirty seconds.
  • Walk briskly for one minute.
  • Repeat five to ten times.
  • Walk for 5 minutes to cool down.

2. Sprint intervals
Sprint interval training is a time-efficient exercise that blends maximal effort periods with extended rest periods. It is a more advanced running machine workout, so this training is intended for people with a strong fitness foundation. The sample workout is as follows.

  • Warm up on the running exercise machine by light running for 10 minutes.
  • Perform a recovery walk for forty seconds.
  • Sprint for thirty seconds.
  • Perform a recovery walk for one minute.
  • Sprint for forty seconds.
  • Perform a recovery walk for ninety seconds.
  • Repeat two times.
  • Cool down on the running exercise machine by running easy for 10 minutes.
Do Sprint Interval Training on a Running Machine Can Build Endurance

    3. Fartlek training
    Fartlek is a Swedish word that stands for speed play in English term. This training combines endurance and speed training to challenge your body. A fartlek run tests your body to get used to different speeds, which conditions you to run faster on lengthier distances. It is uninterrupted running with various paces throughout your workout. The sample workout is as follows.

    • Warm up on the running exercise machine by jogging easily for 5 minutes.
    • Run at a reasonable pace for two minutes.
    • Sprint hard for a minute.
    • Jog for one minute.
    • Sprint for a minute.
    • Run for two minutes.
    • Jog for five minutes.
    • Then cool down or repeat the workout.

    4. Alternating float running exercise machine workout
    The alternating float treadmill workout is also known as a classic speed play exercise where the intervals will use about eighty to ninety per cent of your max effort. In contrast, the float intervals only use sixty to sixty-five per cent of your max effort. This workout keeps you in shape, builds endurance, and teaches your legs to recover and shift through gears fast without the need to jog or walk. The sample workout is as follows.

    • Warm up by jogging for ten to twenty minutes.
    • 2 x 2-minute on intervals and 2 minutes float.
    • 4 x 1-minute on intervals and 1-minute float.
    • 4 x 30-second on intervals and 30-second float.
    • 4 x 15-second on intervals and 15-second float.
    • Then four 15-second intervals followed by a fifteen-second float.
    • Do a recovery walk or jog for 3 minutes.
    • 2 x 2-minute on intervals and 2 minutes float.
    • 4 x 1-minute on intervals and 1-minute float.
    • 4 x 30-second on intervals and 30-second float.
    • 4 x 15-second on intervals and 15-second float.
    • Jog lightly for ten to twenty minutes.

    5. Descending ladder running exercise machine interval workout
    This workout teaches you to flip through gears more efficiently and faster and trains you to find speed and turnover after a brief rest period. The sample workout is as follows.

    • Warm up on the running exercise machine by lightly running for 10 to 20 minutes.
    • Run for three minutes at 74% of your max effort, then continue with a one-minute recovery jog or walk.
    • Run for two minutes at 80 to 85% of your max effort, then continue with a one-minute recovery jog or walk.
    • Run for 90% of your maximum effort for a minute, then continue with a one-minute recovery jog or walk.
    • Cool down by jogging for ten to twenty minutes.

    6. Pyramid running exercise machine interval workout
    This type of workout includes a change in pace or distance as you climb up and down the pyramid and shift up your speed running setup. The pyramid motorized treadmill interval workout helps build muscles and endurance and improves running economy. The sample workout is as follows.

    • Warm up by doing a 3-minute drill, including leg swings, high knees, and butt kicks. Then perform a 4-minute run which is a little faster than jogging at a one per cent incline.
    • Ninety seconds of quick pace running at 1% incline.
    • Jog or walk for forty-five seconds for recovery.
    • Ninety seconds of quick pace running at a 2% incline.
    • Jog or walk for forty-five seconds for recovery.
    • Ninety seconds of quick pace running at a 3% incline.
    • Jog or walk for forty-five seconds for recovery.
    • Adjust the incline to five per cent, and then run for 2 minutes, 3 minutes, and four minutes, then jog or walk for forty-five seconds for each interval.
    • Adjust the incline to four per cent, and then run for 2 minutes, 3 minutes, and four minutes, then jog or walk for forty-five seconds for each interval.
    • Repeat the set above at a three per cent incline.
    • Perform 3 x one minute at a five per cent incline, then continue with a forty-five-second recovery jog or walk.
    • Cool down by jogging for three minutes.

    7. Uphill running exercise machine interval workout
    Uphill incline workout develops postural muscles and works your quads, front thighs, and glutes more than you do on flat ground. The uphill running exercise machine interval exercise will help you realize your speed on an incline in quick bursts and lets you display increased strength and speed when you run on flat ground in the next round. The sample workout is as follows.

    • Warm up by walking at a mild pace for 5 minutes. Then perform a side shuffle for about thirty seconds on each side. After that, do some high knees, quick steps, and butt kicks for 30 seconds and then jog for the remaining time.
    • Make sure that you start your workout at a speed that is half of your quickest pace that you can hold for a one-minute spring at a 0 per cent incline.
    • Do a six-one-minute run followed by a one-minute recovery jog or walk. Increase the incline by one per cent from 0% to 5% in each interval.
    • Do a four-thirty-second run followed by a one-minute recovery jog or walk. With each interval, raise the speed by 0.8 kph.
    • Do a six-thirty-second run followed by a one-minute recovery jog or walk. Begin at your fastest pace, and after each interval, raise your speed by 0.2.
    • Cool down by jogging for a few minutes.

    8. Race pace running exercise machine interval workout
    This workout is usually done when you are training for a marathon. This training will help you get comfortable with your goal pace and still have enough gas when you push through more challenging goals. The sample workout is as follows.

    • Run a mile at a marathon pace.
    • Run four-ninety seconds at 80% of your maximum effort.
    • Run a mile at a marathon pace.
    • Do four 90-second runs at 90% of your maximum effort.
    • Run a mile at a marathon pace.
    • Cool down by jogging for ten to twenty minutes.
    The treadmill is a good workout companion when you want to do endurance training. In addition to the 8 workouts described in this article, there are many other interval workouts you can do on the running exercise machine that will help build your endurance and strength.

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