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June 23, 2022 4 min read

Nowadays, people tend to save time while trying to keep healthy, so the trend of exercising at home is increasing. In order to exercise better, more and more people turn their available space at home into a practical home gym. If you are one of these people and you are not sure what fitness equipment to buy for your home gym first, then you should definitely start with the running machine. Undeniably, it is a popular choice in home gyms in recent years, and there are good reasons for this. In the following article, I have listed the seven main reasons why it has become a popular choice in home gyms for your reference.

1. Burn more calories
If you are on a weight loss plan, then running on the running exercise machine is a great aerobic exercise, because research shows that it burns more calories than other aerobic exercises such as cycling. Running on a running exercise machine can effectively burn approximately 100 calories for every mile. So, if you run 5 miles in an hour, then you're estimated to have burned about 500 calories. Not only that, if you run at full speed or change its intensity level by tilting the treadmill, then you can burn significantly more calories. Therefore, if you want a piece of fitness equipment that can help you lose weight in a comfortable home gym, running exercise machine is the best choice.

Running on the Treadmill Can Burn More Calories

2. Improve cardiovascular health
Regular aerobic exercise, such as running on the running exercise machine, is very beneficial to your cardiovascular health. It not only helps to increase the strength and endurance of the heart, but also promotes the normal circulation of blood in the body, which is important for regulating the oxygen distribution in your muscles and all other organ systems. After a period of running on the running exercise machine, more blood will circulate into the muscles, which enables you to work harder and longer. In addition, running regularly on the running exercise machine can also lower blood pressure and protect your blood vessels. It is worth noting that most running exercise machines have a heart rate monitor, which allows you to monitor your heart conveniently.

3. Reduce impact and injury
If you think that running on the electric treadmill is the same as running outdoors, you are wrong. Running outdoors in an uneven and hard surface will have a greater impact on your leg joints and muscles. When you run on sidewalks, dirt or even hard surfaces, every step you take will give your legs a big impact, especially when you run fast. If you do this for a long time, it may hurt your ankles and knees. On the contrary, running on the running exercise machine can reduce the impact on your ankles and knees and balance the strength distribution of leg muscles and joints. More importantly, because it has a relatively soft surface to run on and is usually equipped with a shock absorption system, it can greatly reduce the impact and injury to your legs, ankles and back.

4. Muscle building
Besides improving your heart health and endurance, running on running exercise machine has been proved to be a good way to promote muscle growth and strength. So what muscles does treadmill work? There is no doubt that running will mainly use leg muscles, so running on the running exercise machine can strengthen your leg muscles. Besides increasing leg muscle strength, the running exercise machine can also help you exercise your abdominal muscles and increase your core strength. What's more, the simple action of swinging your arms when running on the running exercise machine can even help strengthen your arm strength. Therefore, running on the running exercise machine does have many benefits for your muscles.

5. Exercise whenever you want and save time
One of the disadvantages of commercial gyms is that they can only be opened during business hours, and few commercial gyms offer 24-hour service. Therefore, having a home gym can really easily achieve your fitness goals. More importantly, having a running exercise machine in your home gym allows you to exercise at any time of the day without affecting your exercise plan and daily activities. Besides, one of the best reasons why running exercise machine has become a popular choice for home gyms is because it can significantly save time. You don't have to spend a lot of time to a commercial gym for exercise. Instead, you just need to plug in the power supply and you can start using the running exercise machine at home for high-quality exercise.

6. Convenient, safe and private
Running exercise machine is a piece of very convenient fitness equipment. You don't need to go to a commercial gym or run outdoors, just stay at home and exercise on it. Besides, running on a running machine is much safer than running outdoors. You don't have to worry about the risk of injury, such as being hit by a car or tripping over a stone. What's more, running on the running exercise machine in your home gym can keep you away from strangers outdoors, which makes your exercise more private.

Running on the Running Machine is Convenient, Safe and Private

7. Save money
Although you may think that running exercise machine is a little expensive, it is undoubtedly a money-saving investment. In the long run, having a high-quality running exercise machine will definitely be durable, so it will definitely keep you in use for years. Not only that, having a running exercise machine in your home gym allows you to reduce the cost of membership in a commercial gym, and you don't have to commute from home or company to a commercial gym. As time goes by, it can save you a lot of money.

I believe that after reading the above, you can understand why the treadmill is a popular choice in home gyms. I hope you can add it to your home gym as soon as possible and benefit from it.

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